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"Yannick Riviere's French Competition Fishing Secrets"- 1 day classes, 9am-5pm, July 28-31, August 2-7, 2024

Antoine Bissieux, "the French Flyfisherman", is once again bringing back retired French competition angling champion Yannick Riviere to the USA to do multiple one day clinics covering French competition techniques for advanced nymph & dry fly fishing. Some will be on the Farmington River in CT, and some will be on the Battenkill River in VT. Yannick competed in fly fishing for 15 years, with 8 years on the French team (maybe the best in the world), he has medals in 6 European championships, and 2 World Cups. There is a long tradition of trout fishing in France passed down from generation to generation, and the wild brown trout there are highly pressured and difficult to catch. Which leads to creating some of the best trout fishermen in the world. And competition breeds even more innovation in techniques, fly patterns, rigging/leaders & tackle. European Nymphing grew out of competitive fly fishing.

You will need to bring both a dry fly rod, and a Euro rod. There are one day classes with varying amounts of students, different pricing, and different locations. There will be six 1 day/6P classes taught by Yannick & Antoine on the Farmington River  (July 28, 30 & 31, August 2, 3, & 4) at $450 per person, and three additional 1 day/6P classes on the Battenkill River in VT (August 2, 3 & 4) at $500 per person. There is also one class scheduled on July 29 on the Farmington River with 12 students and 3 instructors (Yannick, Antoine, and Derrick Kirkpatrick of CT Fish Guides), priced at $300 per person.

All classes run 9am-5pm, with a break for lunch (bring your lunch, or eat at a local deli). Clinic topics covered will include: equipment, dry fly leaders, nymphing leaders, the Italian Cast (for dry fly fishing), French dry fly fishing, and different nymphing approaches matched to varying conditions. This will be mostly on the water instruction, and everyone will get some time on the water, 1-on-1 time with Yannick. You will be instructed in several different "secret" dry fly & nymphing techniques. There will be a Q&A at the end to wrap things up. Contact Antoine directly at 860-759-4464 to reserve a spot.

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